random photo week – october (deb)

moving present
there are ALWAYS dirty knives hanging around in my kitchen. because my husband refuses to clean them up. he also uses a damn santoku knife to spread peanut butter on bread. lord preserve us 🙄
breakfast before golfing
always up in my business
the least disaster-y part of my house this week
lovecraft country
new desk, new spot, same mess
through the sunroof, early morning
subaru of puyallup
i’m such a nice mother sometimes
along river road
the before, the rejected, and the new freshness
used knife with nibbled cheese
i ♥️ 🍿 and i miss going to the movies
the final ceiling boob photo
the tape and the edges
afternoon break
ha ha assholes!
the disaster area grows
empty bedroom
moar chocolate ice cream
saturday morning standard
i truly appreciate my husband and his willingness to do ALL the painting
doggy drive-by
my microwave splatter guard is cute but judgy
this totally reminds me of when my children were young and would play in boxes or laundry baskets for hours
the driveway
i liked this one with the blurry blurs
monday, monday

random photo week – october 2020 (jentober)

fixing to train. representing my pal Dave’s awesome band OCD/C
i was on youtube, but not a lot of people watched it. you should totally watch it.
i had to go to campus, so i brought sam and dean home. didn’t seem right leaving them in the office while the series ended.
pinball wizard
this happy michigan tree
it wasn’t even halloween yet, FFS.
this dork showing off her first kettlebell bruise.
wonderful surprise tea gift from my heathre
this monumental waste of time. so pissed off.
pumpkin bread!
coffin brownies!
corn muffin skulls!
we had a bonfire and lovely people came.
i threw together some new seasonal bathroom décor. i like it.
i always carve the same pumpkin.
W’s pumpkin looking at M’s rotting pumpkin all concerned cracks me up so hard. like, “hey buddy. you uh, you ok??”
at least you can’t see the sweat.